Al 30 jaar werken we met veel belangstelling, voldoening en plezier voor jonge mensen met een hoog potentieel. Om deze prestatie te vieren, organiseren we dit minisymposium.
We verwelkomen u graag om deel te nemen op vrijdag 23 november 2018 !
Locatie: Novalis: Industrieweg 9c || 5262 GJ Vught || 073-6840202
Accreditatie voor psychiaters en psychologen wordt aangevraagd. Dit symposium zal voornamelijk in het Engels zijn.
RSVP aub voor 01-11-2018 via e-mail secretariaat@ppfrumau.nl of via telefoonnummer 073-6562156
Mia Frumau-van Pinxten
Teams Psychologenpraktijk Frumau & Breinsteyn
30 jaar PPF Invite (Engelse vertaling)
For 30 years we have worked with a lot of interest, satisfaction and joy for young people with high potential. To celebrate this achievement, we organise this minisymposium.
We kindly welcome you to participate on Friday the 23st of November 2018!
Location: Novalis: Industrieweg 9c || 5262 GJ Vught || 073-6840202
Accreditation for psychiatrists and psychologists is applied for. This symposium will be mainly in English.
Please RSVP before 01-11-2018 via e-mail secretariaat@ppfrumau.nl or via phone 073-6562156
Mia Frumau-van Pinxten
Teams Psychologenpraktijk Frumau & Breinsteyn
Time | Title | Speaker |
12:15 | Walk in and welcome | |
12:45 – 13:15 | The past and the future | Mia Frumau |
13:20 – 13:55 | Perceptions & Experiences at Psychologenpraktijk Frumau |
Fenne Frumau |
14:00 – 15:10 | Are highly gifted good mentalizers? | Haiko Jessurun |
15:10 – 15:30 | Break | |
15:30 – 15:45 | Motoric Mental Integration Guidance | Hans & Roel Spierings |
15:50 – 17:25 | (Auto)Psychotherapy with gifted clients | Sal Mendaglio |
17:25 – 17:30 | Closing | |
17:30 | Bites, drinks and sharing thoughts! |
Terug-en vooruitblik
drs. W.L. Frumau – van Pinxten – GZ-psycholoog, Psychotherapeut
Mia zal ingaan op de veranderingen in het veld van de psychotherapie met hoogbegaafde cliënten en in haar behandeling met deze cliënten. Daarnaast zal ze haar model en visie op “t” trauma kort toelichten.
Belevingen & Ervaringen binnen Psychologenpraktijk Frumau
Fenne Frumau – MSc, MSc res. & GZ-psycholoog
Fenne geeft haar visie op het werk: psychologisch onderzoek en behandelingen met hoogbegaafde cliënten binnen de praktijk. Ze zal eigen ervaringen en expertise delen. Tevens zal ze de belangrijke factoren binnen dit vak uitlichten.
Motorische Mentale Integratie Begeleiding
Hans Spierings – vaktherapeut
Roel Spierings – maatschappelijk werker
Hans en Roel zullen hun motorische mentale integratie begeleding met de toehoorders uitvoeren zodat men aan den lijve kan ondervinden wat deze therapie doet met een client.
Zijn hoogbegaafden goede mentaliseerders?
drs. J.H. (Haiko) Jessurun – klinisch psycholoog/kinder-en jeugdpsychotherapeut.
Haiko zal ingaan op de theorie van mentaliseren en de ontwikkelingslijn van mentaliseren toelichten. Hij zal de betekenis van mentaliseren voor therapie bij hoogbegaafde mensen aangeven.
De lezing van Sal Mendaglio wordt hier door hem zelf toegelicht:
(Auto)Psychotherapy with Gifted Clients
Sal Mendaglio, PhD, Psychologist
Graduate Programs in Education
Werklund School of Education
University of Calgary
“In this lecture, I describe the conceptual framework that I developed to guide my work with clients who are gifted. Developing a framework was necessary—graduate school did not prepare me for working with such clients; there were no resources available on which I could draw to guide my work. Many years later little has changed. Psychologists and counsellors in graduate programs rarely encounter the construct of giftedness. With respect to publications, an increasing number have “counselling the gifted” in the title. However, there exists little information that we can use to direct the therapeutic process with clients. Further, there is no agreement on a definition of giftedness and there is a lack of research to suggest which therapeutic approach is likely effective with these clients. As a result, we psychotherapists need to be creative. Each one of us implicitly or explicitly develops a conceptual framework, by adopting a definition of giftedness and experimenting with therapeutic practices to determine what works well and what does not.”
“The framework that I present supplements accepted factors associated with psychotherapeutic effectiveness with the following components: conception of giftedness, cognitive theory of emotions and Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration. I have found popular conceptions of giftedness, with their focus on identification, inappropriate for counselling and psychotherapy. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of emotion. In my work, I found it necessary to understand what emotions are and how they arise. I apply Dabrowski’s theory with clients who experience intense inner conflict, which Dabrowski reframed as an indicator of personal growth. For those clients, the focus is the encouragement of autopsychotherapy according to the theory of positive disintegration. My framework is a response to the challenges presented by different types of gifted clients I worked with over many years.”